Little Mews Rescue
Who We Are

100% Volunteer Organization
~25 Fosters and 30 Volunteers

Women Owned and Operated
Since 2005, Established in Lenawee since 2017

Rescue, Adoptions, and Thrift Store
The need never ends to help those that can't help themselves

Helping Cats In Need
Working with local veterinarians, specialists, TNR teams, and more!

How it all started
Genny was one of our first foster kittens many years ago. She was born a feral kitten, her mother died, then her litter was given to another mother cat to raise. I took them all in when they were around 2 weeks old. Genny never meowed like a normal cat, she only made a tiny little mew sound so I started calling her "little mew". They grew healthy and the rest of the litter went on to be adopted, but she was a bit shy and slower than the others and had to be babied a bit longer.
Litter after litter of fosters arrived, it snowballed, I was getting more and more calls about unwanted cats and kittens. More needed to be done, too many cats, not enough help for them. I decided to form my own rescue. I filled out the paperwork to get it going, needed to think of a name for the rescue. I decided to name it Little Mews because of Genny, after all, she started it.
Genny kept most of her feral traits, she was very bonded with me but shy of strangers. If someone was visiting, she would never be seen. My little sidekick, she sat on the arm of my chair or on my desk. She liked some of the other cats but most of all, she loved one of our dogs, Mr. T.
Mr. T was also a foster who ended up staying. Quite the odd couple, he was a dorky Pit Bull with a heart of gold, she was the dainty scaredy cat who was afraid of her own shadow! They became inseparable, she shared his bed with him every night, they followed each other around every day.
Eventually Mr. T's health took a turn for the worst and he passed away. Genny became very depressed without him. She refused to go downstairs anymore, she stayed in my husband's computer room where Mr. T's bed was. After a year or so she ventured downstairs again, but she just seemed to give up on life, sleeping near the stairs as if to wait for him. On March 22, 2013, she was given her wings and flew off to the heavens to join Mr. T for all eternity. I really think she died of a broken heart since she never had any serious health problems.
I was very saddened by Genny's passing, I loved her very much. Some days I still seem to see her out of the corner of my eye. Her spirit is still here reminding me of why I started all of this in the first place. On days when this entire rescue business gets overwhelming and I want to give up, I see her tiny little face and hear her tiny little mews.
There's so much more work that needs to be done here. I'm starting a fund in Genny's name just for helping feral cats. I have a thousand more ideas in my head of things that need to be done, trying to figure out how to raise money to do it. I have to do it for her and all the others.
-Dona Olsen (founder)